Saturday, December 15, 2012

Move of the Day: Ashtavakrasana

Danielle Tafeen
Also known as the Eight-Angle Pose, the Ashtavakrasana is a challenging endeavor, but it works to strengthen your balance and concentration, giving you a feeling of powerful lightness.

Thanks to the YogaJournal once again, here is a step-by-step walkthrough of this pose:
1. Begin seated with both legs extended. Bend the left knee and lift the shin bone up externally rotating from the hip socket. From his position you're going to cradle your shin. Take the inner left elbow around the left knee and the inner right elbow to the sole of the left foot. Sit tall staying on the tripod of your tailbone and sitz bones. Gently pull the foot in closer towards the right shoulder, opening the hip further. You can also focus on trying to make the foot level with the knee to deepen the sensation, but remember, be patient. No pushing in hip openers. Go for sensation, not pain.

2. Take the left hand under the left calf and the right hand to the sole of the foot. Carefully push the knee out towards the left then give it a little boost up the arm. Continue this process until your inner left leg has journeyed closer to your left shoulder. When you cannot further the process anymore, hug the left inner thigh around the shoulder and place both hands down to either side of the hips. Activate the toes and keep the chest lifting. Hold here for 8 breaths and release.

3. Maintain the hug of the inner left thigh around the shoulder and bend both knees. Lightly cross the right ankle over the left.

4. Imagine that your left arm is a huge grapefruit and juice it! Hug both inner thighs around the left arm as the legs extend up and straight. Keep the heart lifting and the palms on the ground for balance.

5. Keep the enthusiasm in your legs and place the palms flat should-width apart slightly forward of the hips. Extend the heart forward as the elbows bend and continue to hug inward. Once the elbows are over the wrists, draw the lower belly up, squeeze the inner thighs and swing the hips up to the level of the shoulder. Be careful not to collapse in right shoulder - you want to maintain even shoulder to create a strong platform of balance. Keep the crossing of the ankles dainty and spread the toes. Take a few full breaths here and set the bottom back down to release. 

For more detailed and pictured information and instructions, visit YogaJournal's blog at:

Do not be intimidated by the challenge, and breathe right on through it. Happy stretching!

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